When you’re a Democratic president and you have African Americans and the New York Times siding up against you, you’re in deep doo doo! My, what a difference a year makes!
Video: Senator Claire McCaskill with Barack Obama: “They were wrong!”
Senator McCaskill gives a rousing speech in Springfield during the campaign: (July ’08)
“They say he’s arrogant, that he’s unpatriotic. Let me tell you, I know this man. He’s humble. He is devoutly Christian.”
[kml_flashembed movie="http://www.youtube.com/v/eWz-l8qRMgI" width="325" height="250" wmode="transparent" /]
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1 manateespirit // Feb 11, 2010 at 9:24 pm
How does it feel Claire?
THEY weren’t wrong…he IS a flash in the pan. He IS not ready. He CAN’T stand toe to toe with the world leaders…they hate him more than Bush. He IS arrogant and unpatriotic. He is NOT humble, NOT devoutly Christian. He doesn’t give a hoot about families. He DOES NOT revere our military. He is NOT red, white and blue. THIS ELECTION WAS ABOUT HIM! You have GOT to be kidding or on drugs. He cares about our checkbook? How much did he promise you for this speech and didn’t deliver?
How does it feel to be WRONG? TOTALLY?
You are as clueless as BO. Can’t wait until 2012 and YOU ARE GONE!
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