“I wasn’t sure why I was laughing, an odd situation to find myself in that I’m a fairly serious guy. But moments after meeting the Dalai Lama, as he was blessing me by placing a white silk ceremonial scarf, or kata, around my neck, he started giggling. So did I”– Congressional candidate Tommy Sowers
We’re not sure either Tommy, but what does it say about the real viability of a congressional candidate when Tommy Sowers raises 75% of his money outside Missouri? Tommy Sowers – who seems to think a lot of himself – is now heading to New York City to raise money.
We think Tommy is raising money from big city liberals because residents in southeast Missouri oppose Pelosi’s health care bill.
Maybe Sowers should explain why he supports socialized medicine which will lead to rationed health care and decreased quality care for average Missourians.
Rasmussen Reports: Republicans Jump to Six-Point Lead on Generic Ballot
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