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Quote of the Day: VP Biden: “In My Wildest Dreams, I Never Thought It [Stimulus] Would Work This Well” | Missouri Political News Service

Quote of the Day: VP Biden: “In My Wildest Dreams, I Never Thought It [Stimulus] Would Work This Well”

September 25th, 2009 by mopns · No Comments

The Wall Street Journal catches the Vice President in a truthful moment – perhaps more truthful than he realizes! If Biden deems success as expanding the government and it’s role in our lives, then yes, he is absolutely correct! The stimulus has worked very well indeed.

From USA Today:

The $787 billion economic recovery package also is stimulating growth in the federal government as agencies hire thousands of workers and spend millions of dollars to oversee and implement the package, according to government records and spokesmen.

Fourteen of the top federal agencies responsible for spending under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act say they’ve hired about 3,000 workers with stimulus money. That’s helped fuel the continued growth of the federal government, which increased by more than 25,000 employees, or 1.3%, since December 2008, according to the latest quarterly report. During that time, the ranks of the nation’s unemployed increased by nearly 4 million, Labor Department statistics show. Read more…


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