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Congressional Quarterly: Carnahan More Liberal than Barney Frank | Missouri Political News Service

Congressional Quarterly: Carnahan More Liberal than Barney Frank

July 17th, 2009 by mopns · No Comments

Graphic courtesy of FiredUp Missouri

We received this email yesterday from the creator of the Draft Ed Martin for Congress Facebook group:

Cong. Barney Frank (D – MA) holding a “hands on” discussion with a young constituent.

“The non-partisan Congressional Quarterly reports that Russ Carnahan votes with Barack Obama 100 percent of the time. Since Barney Frank only follows Obama 96 percent of the time, Russ is more liberal than Barney Frank!”

The President and Congressman Carnahan seem to have another vice in common. They also like to travel the world while our country is experiencing troubling economic times.


Where in the World is Russ Carnahan? Sarajevo!



Tags: Carnahans'

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