Communist Pravda St. Louis Post-Dispatch – the Midwest’s most liberal publication – launched an attack on Missouri’s newest Member of Congress, Blaine Luetkemeyer, for his bill to prohibit the United States from funding the U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. They also attacked him for questioning the validity of the IPCC’s work, accusing him of being unable to read a graph, attacking his intelligence, and questioning his grasp of the facts.
Congressman Luetkemeyer is being attacked for doing what is right – questioning our nation’s continued support for a supranational organization that insists its findings are unquestionable but may indeed be misleading us with doctored science to promote their agenda. Remember the United States is the largest donor to the U.N. with nearly a billion of your tax dollars each year.
It is too bad that the Post-Dispatch got one thing right: there’s no way this bill will make it past Nancy Pelosi’ Congress, at least not until our nation has had enough of harmful liberal policies and has kicked her to the curb.
0 responses so far ↓
1 iGuitar // Jul 16, 2009 at 4:03 pm
You criticize the STL Post dispatch of being liberally biased but yet your reporting is extremely biased to the conservative side? We cannot call this biased journalism right. If the post is as biased as you say it is and that is as wrong as you say it is you are doing the same thing, biased journalism. This is wrong.
I find this article to be way to opinionated to be of any real value. In my opinion it is complete trash.
2 Jackson // Jul 16, 2009 at 7:05 pm
iGuitar – I am often a critic of MOPNS but there is no doubt whatsover the criticism of the idiots at the Post Dispatch is right on target.
3 Paul Ground // Jul 17, 2009 at 8:58 am
Don’t you find the hypocrisy of liberals enteretaining? People like iGuitar can swallow Post-Dispatch’s liberal line day after day in huge gulps. Yet they’ll be the first to attack Fox news, Rush Limbaugh or MOPNS for bias. You can decide whether to find this irritating or amusing. I’ve finally concluded that “laughable” is the way to go.
Here’s another example. When liberals were able to marshall scientific fact to support their global warming hysteria, they loved to mock non-believers as unscientific. Now, liberals are anxious to repress the newer evidence that indicates the planet is cooling. Why? Because they need global warming to justify massive takeovers of basic industry. So we not only must accept that global warming is occurring — a hypothesis the science used to support, but no longer does — we also have to accept that the causes of the phenomenon are human in origin — a hypothesis that the science never clearly supported and that now looks more dubious than ever.
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