Most homosexual rights advocates have the pre-conceived notion that conservatives, or traditional values people, have some obsession with what goes on in their bedrooms. We would argue that they are grossly misinformed. In fact, most conservatives could care less what two consenting individuals do in the privacy of their own homes. Where we run into a problem is when homosexuals try to force their lifestyle and values on the rest of us by attempting to legally distort the traditional definition of marriage. We also have a problem with their attempt (thru the NEA) to infiltrate their agenda into our public school system, as this excerpt alarmingly shows:
The co-founder of the National Education Association (NEA) Conservative Educators Caucus says the NEA will consider adoption of a resolution supporting homosexual “marriage.”
The NEA is currently holding its annual convention in San Diego, California. Educator and conservative activist Jeralee Smith called OneNewsNow from the convention to report that the executive council has approved language that will throw the full support of the NEA behind same-gender marriage, homosexual adoption, and other issues surrounding the homosexual agenda.
Video: President Speaks At Gay Pride Event At White House
Hat tip:NewsPoliticsNews
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