"First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win." -- Mahatma Gandhi
MOPNS Editor Receives Extortion E-Mail | Missouri Political News Service

MOPNS Editor Receives Extortion E-Mail

February 23rd, 2009 by mopns · No Comments

We received this interesting email yesterday evening from a “Melvin Acres” that almost borders on extortion. We also received an email from a self described “professional Republican” last week that had very similar wording and phrasing. See what you think:

O concerned citizen
Melvin Acres <melvinacres@gmail.com>
Date: Sun, Feb 22, 2009 9:15 pm
To: editor@mopns.com

Hello xxx and Osi,

This is Melvin Acres.  That is not my real name ,but I am a concerned citizen of St. Louis County.  I am non partisan, but i have a genuine interest in the state legislature.  I am concerned about your teasers surrounding what you call a “big story” breaking in Jefferson City.

The allegations leveled by xxx against xxx are not true, and are completely politically motivated, as they are both…… But that aside, I am more concerned by MOPNS’ willingness to sprint with this story without doing any proper journalistic research.

Because of what I perceive as your irresponsibility, I offer the following.  If MOPNS pursues this story, a few things will immediately take place:

….Once these tidbits are published, xxxx can forget about the contract that he pitched to the St. Louis County Republican Central Committee. The one that he was about to get, and get a nice paycheck for.  I’m pretty sure about that, because I’m a member of the Central Committee.

3.) I will see to it that if he chooses, xxx will have the finest legal representation necessary in pursuing a libel and defamation suit against xxx and Jackson individually and collectively.  A jury and the court of public opinion will love convicted felon and repeat court offender xxx.  And as for Jackson, I’m sure the character and fitness committee of the bar will appreciate him having to explain having a judgment against him, or a pending lawsuit personally naming him for libel.  Great stuff.

I think it in xxx and Jackson’s best interest to cease any further publication of this story, by blog post, blast e mail, or any other method.


Melvin Acres

The only question we have, and that we tried to pose to the legislator in question last Friday was this: If you didn’t do anything wrong, and all this is a fabrication, then why did you apologize to the offended legislator on 2/12/09? When we asked that question several times to no avail, he simply hung up on us. Hmmm.


More comments from “Melvin Acres”



Tags: MO Legislature

0 responses so far ↓

  • 1 Jason // Feb 23, 2009 at 9:48 am

    Hmm…every time I’ve seen a blogger threatened like that it’s because he was too close to the truth.

  • 2 Jackson // Feb 23, 2009 at 5:09 pm

    Must not have seen many bloggers threatened then.

    You believe everything you read or you are just a ………

  • 3 a partisan and proud // Feb 23, 2009 at 5:21 pm

    How can you be non-partisan and a member of the central committee? Isn’t that an oxymoron? Perhaps the central committee should look at who it’s members really are.

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