"First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win." -- Mahatma Gandhi
STL American: [Thug] Slay Snubs Black Lawyers | Missouri Political News Service

STL American: [Thug] Slay Snubs Black Lawyers

February 19th, 2009 by mopns · No Comments

Former State Rep. Betty Thompson is holding a Black History event  for Mayor Frances Slay (insert joke here) today at her son’s construction business. The address is Kwame Building Group, 1204 Washington Avenue, Suite 200.

($50 bucks to anyone who video tapes the attendees entering and leaving the fundraiser)

The St. Louis American has story today On Mr. Donuts’ refusal to attend the Mound City Bar Association’s mayoral debate – at a Black university!

There will be one conspicuous absence at St. Louis’ only historically black university when the region’s African-American lawyers’ association convenes a debate between mayoral candidates for the City of St. Louis at the end of Black History Month 2009.After failing to respond for so long that the Mound City Bar Association had to move forward with a press release without any knowledge of the mayor’s plans, the campaign for Mayor Francis G. Slay finally told organizers that Slay had a prior commitment and would not attend the mayoral debate

Its current president is Robert S. Kenney, age 37. Kenney is the chief of staff for Missouri Attorney General Chris Koster. He formerly was a partner at Polsinelli Shalton Flanigan Suelthaus PC, where he chaired the diversity committee. Read more…



Tags: Mayor Frances Slay · St. Louis

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