MUL press release:
St. Louis, MO – January 21, 2009 – Missourians United for Life (MUL) is urging President Barack Obama not to reverse the Mexico City policy which bans federal funding to international groups that provide abortion or promote abortion services. The media is reporting that President Obama, who supports abortion and whose campaign was supported by every leading pro-abortion group, may reverse the policy as one of his first acts as President. Such a reversal would allow Missouri tax dollars to go to foreign groups that provide and support abortion.
“President Obama should not allow the tax dollars that Missourians send to Washington, D.C. to go to international groups that provideabortion,” said MUL President Ed Martin. “We know President Obama is under great political pressure by liberal elites and pro-abortion groups to reverse the Mexico City policy, but he should resist this pressure and not allow our tax dollars to be used in this way.”
MUL praised U.S. Senator Kit Bond for his advocacy for life and his support for the Mexico City policy. They also called on Senator Claire McCaskill, who is pro-abortion, to support the policy and urge President Obama not to change it.
“Senator Kit Bond has been a strong defender of life in the United States Senate including his opposition to federal tax dollars going to groups that provide or support abortion,” Martin said. “Claire McCaskill should follow Senator Bond’s example and urge the new president to keep this pro-life policy in place.”
To learn more about Missourians United for Life or to join the fight for life go to
0 responses so far ↓
1 Commanche // Jan 22, 2009 at 4:31 pm
Ed Martin is a two-bit crook and has absolutely no credbility on anything other than lying and how to be the worst chief of staff to serve any politician at any level.
I hope they put him in a filthy straight jacket in Fulton once he’s convicted.
Scum bag!
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