Soon to be former
Democrat Republican State Representative and WalMart basher Neal St. Onge, was all set to quietly slither into his new position as “Transportation Czar” for our cash strapped state until incoming Speaker Ron Richard thankfully put the kabosh on it.
From SNL’s Chad Livengood:
The new speaker of the Missouri House of Representatives says he wasn’t consulted by outgoing leaders in their decision to appoint a term-limited legislator to a $60,000-a-year staff job that has remained vacant for three years.
Rep. Ron Richard, R-Joplin, said outgoing Speaker Rod Jetton and Senate President Pro Tem Mike Gibbons — both Republicans — didn’t tell him they were giving state Rep. Neal St. Onge a job as inspector general of transportation spending, a staff job for a committee he has co-chaired.
“No one called me about it,” Richard said in an interview with the News-Leader.
Richard said he will oppose funding the position in the 2010 fiscal year, which begins July 1, 2009. Read more…
Amazing! “Rowdy Rod” still causing shenanigans -even on his way out! We’re not surprised by “Rowdy Rod’s” actions, can you really expect anything more from someone who is so ethically challenged? But Senator Gibbons being in cahoots with “Rowdy Rod” is a bit surprising.
MOPNS: (2/18/08) St. Onge Attempts to Kill Fire District Tax Decrease Legislation
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1 Simple Ron // Jan 3, 2009 at 11:35 am
The incoming speaker apparently doesn’t even know how the position is funded so how can he cut it? He’s been there how many years?
The position is part of the joint committee bugdet. There is no line item for it. If Richard cuts out $60,000 he will simply be cutting the joint committee budget by that amount. That will not ensure St. Onge doesn’t get paid. It just means the committee will be short $60,000.
Besides, St. Onge went on the payroll as of January 1, 2009. He will collect at least $30,000 even if Richard is able to cut the budget for the committee next year starting on July 1.
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