Good news for House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid. Respected polling firm Rasmussen has found that Congress’ approval ratiug is at a six month high since the rejection of the automakers bailout – a whopping 12%!
From Rasmussen Reports:
Just days after the legislature rejected an initial proposal to bailout the nation’s Big Three automakers, the latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey found that 55% of voters say congress is doing a poor job. A majority of voters have given Congress a poor rating in every survey since mid-June.
The day after Election Day, 11% gave Congress good or excellent ratings. Over the summer, just 9% were willing to give the lawmakers such positive ratings.
In fact, 48% say it’s better for the economy if companies like General Motors go bankrupt rather than providing subsidies to keep them afloat.
Video: Kit Bond: “There’s Still Hope”
St. Joe News.Net: Graves questions need for auto bailout
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