"First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win." -- Mahatma Gandhi
Video: Claire’s Convention Speech; MO Dissed By Dems | Missouri Political News Service

Video: Claire’s Convention Speech; MO Dissed By Dems

August 26th, 2008 by mopns · No Comments

We have below Senator McCaskill’s convention speech from last night. We’ve taken the liberty of critiquing a few of her most memorable lines.

Geography lesson moment: “Missouri is in the middle of our great country.” (Duh!)

Religion focus group buzzwords moment: “People of Missouri….God loving, family centered, blessed with an abundance of common sense.”

Joe Biden plagiarism moment:We are not a red state, we are not a blue state, we are proud to be part of the United states.” (Where have we heard that before, oh yeah, Barack said almost the exact same words four years ago!)

Invoke patriotism moment: “This November, I am confident that Missouri will help Barack Oama become the president of this country that we love.” (Claire you obviously don’t look at polling data or come home every weekend like Joe Biden and talk to ordinary Missourians.)

Hypocrite moment: “For eight years, we have watched our government take care of the few, the powerful, and the extremely wealthy.” (This from a woman who refused to audit her husband’s multi-million dollar nursing home businesses while state auditor!)

Hypocrite moment 2: “I saw him run a campaign that hasn’t taken a dime from federal lobbyists or PAC’s. That’s the change we need.” (But he lies and opts out of the campaign finance system)

Super hyperbole moment: “I know this son of a single mom will stand up for the dreams of our daughters. And I know that John McCain won’t.” (Give me a break!)

Glass houses moment: “John McCain has been in Washington for almost thirty years.” (Hmm, almost ten years less than Joe Biden!)

Final “invoke patriotism” moment: “Barack Obama is going to make one great president; for one great nation; under god; with liberty and justice for all.”


MOGOP Press release (excerpt)

“Based on the Missouri Democrat Delegation being seated in the nose-bleed section at the Democrat National Convention it does not appear as if anything has changed – Missouri is not a priority for Democrats,” said Tina Hervey, communications director Missouri Republican Party. “Obama’s elitist attitude toward Middle America and his disregard for Missouri was reinforced when he decided to use a Missouri family as a prop during his wife’s convention speech only to forget where he was. First he was in Kansas City, then St. Louis, then back to Kansas City. Obama continues to prove that he is nothing more than glitz and glamour, basking in the light of his own celebrity and hoping that no one looks at the facts of his record.”

Other indications of the lack of commitment to Missouri included network televisions’ coverage of Claire McCaskill’s remarks. Many networks didn’t cover her entire address but rather had commentators speaking and asking who she was. If the Democrats cared about Missouri, they would have briefed the media on the importance of her remarks.

Activism Across America: Claire McCaskill, Not All Missouri Democrats Are Religious

Yglesias: On the Attack

The American Prospect: McCaskill Explains Why Change is Actually Needed

Hat tip: Politicstv

[kml_flashembed movie="http://www.youtube.com/v/5mz7jY1ePmM" width="425" height="350" wmode="transparent" /]



Tags: Decision '08 · Senator McCaskill · Videos

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