"First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win." -- Mahatma Gandhi
Sister to Sister? | Missouri Political News Service

Sister to Sister?

August 19th, 2008 by mopns · No Comments

Will Chief Judge Laura Stith ensure Judge Nanette Baker makes the upcoming panel for the Supreme Court to grease the tracks for her sister, Rebecca Stith, to become a judge? Is this a conflict of interest? Given the situation, shouldn’t Stith recuse herself from this selection process? Based on her past we doubt she will.

Rebecca Stith is an attorney in St. Louis City with Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. Rebecca has applied numerous times to become a judge and made a few panels, but never gets the nod from a Governor. Judge Nanette Baker is currently chair of the 21st Judicial Commission as chief judge of the Eastern District Court of Appeals. Rumors abound that Judge Stith desperately wants her sister to join her as a judge and will pay off Judge Baker by putting her on the Supreme Court panel in exchange for getting her sister on the next city panel in a few months.



Tags: MO Supreme Court

0 responses so far ↓

  • 1 Pat Patterson // Aug 21, 2008 at 9:29 am

    I’m disgusted by the cheap smear. Laura Stith is a person of sound integrity who consistently acts upon her own high principles of fairness. The fact that she has 3 siblings who have the intelligence, education, discipline and passion to carve out legal careers is something that less-hardworking people seem to resent and distrust. I do not know Nanette Baker, whose integrity is also being impugned here, but I do know that Laura Stith does not make deals under the table in the way mopns (an unattributed staff writer) suggests, and she will only promote to judgeships those who are fully qualified: whether the person be a relative or a stranger.

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