"First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win." -- Mahatma Gandhi
[Not Believable] Quote of the Day: “I Don’t Know Who They Are. I Found Out About the Ad When Someone From Springfield Called This Morning” | Missouri Political News Service

[Not Believable] Quote of the Day: “I Don’t Know Who They Are. I Found Out About the Ad When Someone From Springfield Called This Morning”

June 19th, 2008 by jjjameson · No Comments

Prime Buzz posted a piece last night that allegedly shows coordination between a Springfield 527 group and the Hulshof Campaign. The links are not definitive, but a blind man and even the O.J. Simpson jury can see that something is a little fishy here.

Hulshof spokesman Scott Baker did what is natural for most people when they’re caught with their hand in the cookie jar, they protest and talk too much. Saying “I don’t know who they are” would have been more than sufficient, but to say you didn’t know about the ad until “someone called you from Springfield” really insults our intelligence.

George Soros: The top 2007 “giver” to 527 groups

Republican presidential nominee John McCain dislikes 527’s because of their potential for Washington insiders and powerful people to manipulate elections with their unaccountability. In this season of “change,” it is precisely the reason why McCain is following Obama’s lead and running against Washington and the “status quo.” It seems that Mr. Hulshof’s operatives haven’t quite gotten that message yet.
From Prime Buzz:

Under federal law, independent political groups — known as 527s — are supposed to be just that: No coordinating with a candidate, no matter how much the love.But does a 527 with the pretzel-like name “Americans for a Better America” pass the test?

Some Missouri Republicans say no — pointing out Wednesday Americans for a Better America shares its media buyer with Rep. Kenny Hulshof’s campaign for governor.And Americans for a Better America is — you guessed it — running an ad that criticizes Hulshof’s Republican opponent, state treasurer Sarah Steelman.

Improper coordination?

“No. None,” said Kansas City attorney Art Fillmore, the 527’s agent.

As of Wednesday, the Missouri Ethics Commission’s website did not show any campaign finance disclosures for Americans for a Better America. Fillmore said a disclosure had been filed, but said it would be re-filed this week.


MPN: A4BA comes to Hulshof’s defense, attacks Steelman

National Journal Ad Spotlight: An Issue With Staying Power?



Tags: Decision '08 · Picture/Quote of the Day · Rep. Kenny Hulshof

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