"First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win." -- Mahatma Gandhi
MRP: Top Ten Reasons Why “Superdelegate” Jay Nixon Won’t Pick A Nominee | Missouri Political News Service

MRP: Top Ten Reasons Why “Superdelegate” Jay Nixon Won’t Pick A Nominee

May 16th, 2008 by mopns · No Comments

Although everyone knows that Barack Obama will be the Democrats’ nominee in the fall, Jay Nixon’s fear of alienating rural and urban Democrats by endorsing either Hillary or Barack, will keep this “super delegate” on the sidelines until Clinton quits or Obama secures the necessary delegates to clinch the nomination. The Missouri Republican party has it’s own 10 reason for Jay’s fence sitting.

Jefferson City_Jay Nixon has made it clear to anyone who asks that he is not “budging off the fence” and choosing between Senators Clinton and Obama. We aren’t surprised. In January 1999, Jay Nixon told the St. Louis Post-Dispatch: “When you refuse to take a position, you’re not punished,” Nixon said. “It’s only when you take a position that you’re punished.” So, here is MRP’s :

Top Ten Reasons Why “Super Jay” Won’t Pick A Nominee:

10. Too busy campaigning during the week to worry about presidential politics, even though he told the Dexter Daily Statesman that he would only campaign on weekends.

9. Using the Attorney General’s office for political purposes by colluding with his former staffers on the opposing side of litigation takes up all his spare time.

8. Lavishly rewarding lawyers who contribute to his campaign by outsourcing litigation to them is more fun.

7. Bilking Missourians out of at least $57,000 by illegally using state resources and staff for political purposes takes time – there’s no room for distractions.

6. Rethinking and reinventing the 1998 Project Vote Smart survey in which he indicated his support for allowing illegal immigrants and their children to receive taxpayer-funded services has him second-guessing every decision.

5. Watching videos of John Kerry to learn how to explain his defense of Holden Administration Medicaid cuts before his attacks on the Republican solutions to the healthcare crisis is much more important. Who wants to be labeled a “flip-flopper”?

4. Concealing the firing of a quadriplegic state worker is time consuming. It is an ugly job but somebody has to do it.

3. Establishing a legacy of mistrust and alienation between himself and the African American community can’t be done overnight, it requires dedication, time and skill.

2. Accepting money from Ameren and other companies while investigating their actions is a full-time job.

And the Number 1 Reason Why Jay Nixon won’t pick a nominee: Leadership and courage have never been his strong suit.



Tags: Decision '08 · Jay Nixon

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