"First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win." -- Mahatma Gandhi
FiredUp Missouri=Clueless! | Missouri Political News Service

FiredUp Missouri=Clueless!

May 13th, 2008 by mopns · No Comments

Here I am pictured with 88th District Republican candidate Chris Howard at his birthday celebration last March.

We guess the fine folks over at FiredUp Missouri don’t like being called out on their racism. Here is the latest installment in the Democrats’ Missouri Political News Service conspiracy.

For the record, I’ve never made it a secret that Chris Arps is my friend, or, that I got the idea for this site from his Oklahoma site. His company also designs and hosts websites, thus the Missouri Spectrum connection. You would think that if he’s trying to hide something, he would do a lot better job than this! Nice try though fellas!

FLASHBACK: KC Blue Blog=Clueless! (9/1/07)

According to “Sr. Republican operatives” and certain “bloggers,” Scooter Jackson was the figment of some creative political consultant’s mind. Now, the K.C. Blue blog has come along (with their crack investigative reporting skills I may add) and have determined that I lived in Houston, Texas while attending college. How did the super sleuths determine my secret place of residence: by looking up the Houston, Texas address I have listed at the bottom of our newsletter. (That we sent to them by the way) Thanks by the way for publicly posting my folks address. And yes, my legal name is Osi Jackson. I’ve been called “Scooter” since childhood. One last thing guys, you may want to update your records, as I am presently attending law school at Tulane University in New Orleans. I’ve made no secret that I am a native St. Louisan who attended college in Houston while living with my mother and stepfather.

You liberals are a scream at conspiracy theories. Also through their investigative reporting, they have determined that since I am an “Houston organization,” Governor Blunt’s Texas contributors are paying me to write stories, we guess. They weren’t exactly clear. As our disclaimer says at the bottom of the website:

“No content herein has been authorized by any candidate or political party.”

Memo to Governor Blunt’s campaign staff and his Texas contributor’s: do you need my address, because I have yet to receive a single check from you. With the K.C. Blue Blog’s goofy logic, any out of state contributor to a candidate’s campaign, is now potentially funding websites against the candidate’s opponents? Try again, there’s no scoop here geniuses!

Here is part of their post:

Texas Republicans Doing Missouri Republican Dirty Work

As we reported previously, the Missouri Political News Service, a Republican website that attempts to portray news with Republican spin claims to be the site of Scooter Jackson, who claims to be a Missouri Republican. The site has focused recently on attacks on Attorney General Jay Nixon (who is running for Governor) and US Senator Claire McCaskill. It also racially attacked Hispanic-American business owners in Kansas City and St. Louis portraying them as illegal immigrants because they are Latino and own businesses. They went even further in saying Jay Nixon supports illegal immigrants by citing, Latino American citizens as an example.

Well, it appears the Missouri Republican Political News Service has a secret of their own. It’s not even from Missouri!!! They are another Houston Texas organization attempting to mislead voters in Missouri.


MOPNS: “Tip Line Buzzing With Rumor: Jerry Hunter Is Not Publisher of MOPNS”

24th State: “Crazy Is As Crazy Does”

MPN: “Attack of the Blogs in Missouri; Blog World explodes with accusations of Texas Republicans”

K.C. Blue Blog: “Fake Missouri Republican News Site Attacks MO Democrats (Continued)”

Blue Girl/Red State: “EXPOSED AS PHONEYS!!!!!”

Blog CCP: “TX Republicans Beating up Missouri Democrats”



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