"First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win." -- Mahatma Gandhi
FiredUp Missouri, Here’s Your Hypocrisy Test | Missouri Political News Service

FiredUp Missouri, Here’s Your Hypocrisy Test

May 5th, 2008 by mopns · No Comments

We received a lot of flack a while back from our “progressive” readers when we ran this humorous picture of Jay Nixon to highlight his impending campaign visit to a St. Louis mosque.

(The mosque proudly announced Jay’s visit on their website, but then mysteriously took it down the day after our post ran.)

We were castigated for demeaning an Imam specifically, and the religion of Islam generally. Ok, that’s fair. We wonder though. If it is so terrible to caricature Jay Nixon as an Iman, is it acceptable for FiredUp Missouri to use the word “Jihad” to describe Missouri Republican Party officials efforts to avoid the trainwreck that is almost inevitable at the Democratic convention this summer in Denver?



Tags: Decision '08 · Jay Nixon

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