"First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win." -- Mahatma Gandhi
Amateur Hour at the Steelman Campaign | Missouri Political News Service

Amateur Hour at the Steelman Campaign

April 29th, 2008 by mopns · No Comments

When renowned political analyst Dick Morris campaigned for Sarah Steelman back in March, he told the audience that she had an unique opportunity to run as a “outsider candidate.” Morris said that Congressman Hulshof had “all the baggage of Washington” connected to him and this would allow Steelman to win the race in April and in the spring, since voters normally don’t pay attention to politics in the summer. Sound advice. Too bad the Steelman camp hasn’t been following it.

The last two weeks for the Steelman campaign has been a disaster. We’ve learned that two employees of the Treasurer’s office have been working for the campaign. One, while using his “vacation time” and the other performed web design services for the campaign – we assume on his own time. We’ve also learned that the campaign hired a controversial Kansas City Business magazine editor for media consulting. (Isn’t Jeff Roe enough controversy???) Apparently, this consultant has made some controversial comments about women and the 911 terrorist attacks in the past.

In this current age of web 2.o, where blogs have by default, taken over the function of investigative and inquisitive reporting from the mainstream media, silly mistakes like those above will be found. Also in this age of web 2.o and Rev. Jeremiah Wright, your associates, consultants, and your best friend from third grade, can and will be campaign fodder for your opponents. Is this just a one time blip from the Steelman campaign, or will these mistakes be par for the course. We shall see.



Tags: Decision '08

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