"First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win." -- Mahatma Gandhi
Hulshof Dribbles Around Ethics | Missouri Political News Service

Hulshof Dribbles Around Ethics

April 24th, 2008 by mopns · No Comments

A recurring theme coming out of the Hulshof campaign recently has been the topic of ethics in government. Just yesterday, Mr. Hulshof called for putting all patronage fee offices up for bid, but critics contend his plan basically keeps the current system in place.

“Still, under the newly devised Hulshof formula provided to Prime Buzz, applicants with prior experience can win points based on “past performance and reliability.” A newcomer, presumably, couldn’t win any points in that category, which appears to give current operators, even those who aren’t providing stellar service, a leg up.” Read more…

Hulshof’s strategists realize that to have any chance against Steelman or Nixon, they must distance their candidate from the current administration, thus we have the fee office reform plan that really doesn’t seem to reform anything at all.

Congressman Hulshof has earned a well deserved stellar reputation for honesty and integrity in government, and the ethics theme would seem to be a good fit. We wonder how ethical and clean will that campaign remain when only 20% of Missourians recognize your name, and, you hire “volunteer” campaign consultants who have questionable ethics themselves.

Former low level Bond staffer and new Hulshof “volunteer” Jason Vaneaton, was the subject of a Missouri Political News Service post a few weeks ago concerning Congressional junkets he took to New Orleans and Asia. We also chronicled his decision last October to leave the employment of Sen. Bond and start his own lobbying firm:

In 2005, Mr. Vaneaton earned $116,128.92. In 2006, he made $124,460, But then something interesting happened, for the first time in his career, starting in October of 2006 to March of this year, Vaneaton made LESS than the previous 6 months. For the fiscal year 06-07, W. Jason Vaneaton will make $123,333.32. Now why is this important? By paying himself $1,126.68 dollars LESS this year, will avoid having to file a Senior Staff Disclosure, thereby hiding all assets and investments and CLIENTS from public view. Now why would that be? Read more…

A few of Vaneaton’s new clients – just so happen – could benefit from Sen. Bond’s position as ranking member on the HUD Appropriations Committee:


FANNIE MAE – 2/15/2008


We believe an ethics debate in this campaign is healthy and necessary. We hope that the conversation on ethics doesn’t just turn into a political football of sound bites.



Tags: Decision '08 · Jason Van Eaton · Rep. Kenny Hulshof

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