"First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win." -- Mahatma Gandhi
More Announcements to Come? | Missouri Political News Service

More Announcements to Come?

January 23rd, 2008 by mopns · No Comments

Sources tell MOPNS that Democrats who dislike Jay Nixon — a famously flawed candidate — are quickly organizing to decide what to do in light of Matt Blunt’s decision not to seek re-election.

Word is surfacing that Democrats “in the know” see this as an opportunity to take back the state. They reportedly believe Nixon’s entire campaign strategy collapsed when Matt Blunt decided not to run, so that a stronger candidate may be able to take on the now-weakened Republican establishment. Sources suggest leaders want someone with strong name recognition and less baggage, and perhaps someone who can be seen as a “change” agent.

At least two names have been floated as the subject of internal Democrat debates: Robin Carnahan and Chris Koster.

So let’s test that. Will it be:

Robin Carnahan
Roger Wilson
Joe Maxwell
Chris Koster


Misssouri Pulse: No Fear Factor When It Comes To Nixon



Tags: Decision '08 · Jay Nixon · Uncategorized

0 responses so far ↓

  • 1 CurtZ // Jan 23, 2008 at 11:43 am

    This is a sad attempt to fuel some sort of dissension among the Democratic ranks. Good try, but you are apparently not “in the know”.

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