From Arena of Ideas:
Couple of notes regarding Romney’s Win, Matt Blunt’s State of the State address.
Just a couple of quick notes early this morning regarding Romney’s win and Matt Blunt’s State of the State address.
On Romney:
This is really bad news for the GOP. There is an excellent reason why far-left wing website Daily Kos asked Michigan Democrats to cross over and vote for Romney, and it aint for his policies (or maybe it is depending upon how its looked on).
Many Republican and conservative media outlets were looking for a way to trumpet Romney. This gives them quite a bit of ammunition. The reaction in many blogs I have seen this morning reflects a “Mitt is the nominee, just accept it” mentality.
This is what I feared and is why if he does become the nominee, my vote will not be automatic. The candidate will have to work for my vote, though it seems contrary to the philosophy of the man and his staff in and of it self.
Switch themes to Matt Blunt’s State of the State address – let me just say this – first half of the speech was great, second half was painful. Almost like watching paint dry and scratching a rake over a chalkboard. Read more…
0 responses so far ↓
1 Dee // Jan 16, 2008 at 6:43 pm
I’m for anything that will stop McCain or Huckabee!!
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