"First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win." -- Mahatma Gandhi
Why Is Judge Cohen Seeking to Prevent Announcement of Court Vacancy? | Missouri Political News Service

EXCLUSIVE: Why Is Judge Patricia Cohen Seeking to Delay Announcement of Court Vacancy?

December 17th, 2007 by mopns · No Comments

From the text of this e-mail, it appears that a vacancy has been announced and that a commissioner is actively seeking to prevent the public and the Governor from knowing about it.

Is Judge Cohen seeking some political leverage by preventing the public and Governor Blunt from knowing about a judicial vacancy? The e-mail urges fellow commissioners to assist in that endeavor. The press and the public deserve to know what is going on in government and we are impressed that Blunt-appointed commissioner Pat Dudley has refused to take part in this unethical project.

Will Judge Cohen admit wrongdoing and apologize to Missourians?

As head of the current judicial selection process, Will Justice Stith step up to the plate and make it clear that this is reprehensible behavior?

The Missouri Court Plan was supposed to prevent the judicial selection process from being manipulated and abused for political gain. But, as this e-mail proves, until the flaws in the system — its lack of openness and accountability — are repaired, someone will take advantage of it.



Tags: MO Supreme Court

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