"First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win." -- Mahatma Gandhi
Common Sense Prevails over Christmas Tree Flap | Missouri Political News Service

Common Sense Prevails over Christmas Tree Flap

December 7th, 2007 by mopns · No Comments

The Pathway:

It is the sort of thing we’ve come to expect at places like the University of California at Berkley where atheistic Marxists are on faculty, or at Princeton University in New Jersey, a school founded by orthodox Presbyterians which now hires faculty who value animal life more than human. Such institutions of “higher learning” are where secularism/humanism is too often the religion of choice and is enforced by political correctness. Christianity is often mocked and America’s history is rewritten to fit some liberal’s political agenda rather than telling the truth.
This is where Missouri State University (MSU), located in the state’s largest conservative city located smack in “America‘s Heartland,” found itself in recent weeks after a faculty member complained about a Christmas tree erected in Strong Hall. Apparently the faculty member felt it was “insensitive” to other religions. As soon as this one complaint became known the university bureaucrats went into crisis mode.

The school’s so-called “diversity” crowd called for emergency sessions of university leaders to discuss appropriate holiday decorations at the state’s second-largest university. The media got involved and soon reporters were canvassing the campus asking students what they thought. The school’s Diversity Commission (usually the entity where the so-called “thought police” and politically correct crowd are charged with imposing secularism on everyone) went into full spin cycle. Chris Craig, co-chair of the Diversity Commission, said taking down the tree was the right thing to do. “This is not about legal issues,” he told the Associated Press. “It’s about being more inclusive.” Read more…



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