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MOGOP: Nixon’s ‘Independent’ Panel a Sham; Fisher Self-Identified Democrat | Missouri Political News Service

MOGOP: Nixon’s ‘Independent’ Panel a Sham; Fisher Self-Identified Democrat

November 26th, 2007 by mopns · No Comments

JEFFERSON CITY _ Newly uncovered state records which show Clarence “Mel” Fisher is a self-identified Democrat have discredited the so-called “independent” three-person committee that Jay Nixon conjured up to serve as another taxpayer-financed campaign tool to attack the governor.The Official State Manuals of Missouri from 1981-1982 (page 984) and 1983-1984 (page 1001), identify Highway Patrol Maj. Clarence E. “Mel” Fisher as a Democrat. It was once required by state law for members of the Missouri State Highway Patrol to identify their political affiliation to ensure that neither major political party dominated its ranks. Copies of the documents are available here.

Fisher’s political loyalties, combined with revelations that panel member and former Webster County Associate Circuit Judge Daniel Max Knust has ties to Nixon campaign treasurer Craig Hosmer, prove that the committee is a politically-motivated tribunal bent on serving Nixon’s political campaign despite his desperate public claims to the contrary.

“Jay Nixon’s claim that his committee is independent is a complete and utter sham because he clearly appointed loyalists whose biases have exposed the true nature of this blatantly political witch hunt,” said Paul Sloca, communications director for the Missouri Republican Party. “The people of Missouri are not only being misled by Jay Nixon but are also being asked to trust a kangaroo court that is using their hard-earned tax dollars to finance a purely political probe.”

Nixon, of course, is no stranger to using his taxpayer-financed office for political purposes. Nixon has admitted that for years he used his taxpayer-financed vehicle to attend political events, even though that violates state law. And Nixon’s reimbursement for that illegal activity also is a sham since no independent committee has had the opportunity to verify that he had paid in full his bill to taxpayers.

“Once again, Jay Nixon is abusing Missouri taxpayers by using their hard-earned dollars to finance his political campaign. And as long as he is not held accountable, these types of abuses will continue to the detriment of every citizen of this state,” Sloca said.



Tags: Decision '08 · Jay Nixon

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