"First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win." -- Mahatma Gandhi
Governor Blunt Has Primary Challenger | Missouri Political News Service

Governor Blunt Has Primary Challenger

November 26th, 2007 by mopns · No Comments

Looks like Governor Blunt will have a challenger in the Republican primary next year. Who is it you ask? Has Jack Jackson changed his mind? Has Sarah Steelman decided to be the Republican Claire McCaskill and challenge a sitting governor of her own party? Nope. The challenger’s name is Cecil Anthony Ince. But, according to his website, Mr. Ince is also known as Christopher Davis. Our best advice to Mr. Ince/Davis? You may want to get that name thing worked out by election day.

In a rather unusual way to inform the media – and yes we do consider ourselves the “new media” – Mr. Ince left this link to his website and this link to the Missouri Ethics commission informing us of his candidacy on a previous post. The Missouri Political News Service will keep you abreast of this burgeoning candidacy.



Tags: Decision '08

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