"First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win." -- Mahatma Gandhi
MOPNS Flashback: “Carnahan Bodyguard Manhandles TV Cameraman | Missouri Political News Service

MOPNS Flashback: “Carnahan Bodyguard Manhandles TV Cameraman

November 13th, 2007 by mopns · No Comments

Leftwing bloggers are falling all over themselves claiming the governor’s security detail “shoved” reporters yesterday. They’re also claiming that Blunt was refusing to answer questions regarding the Scott Eckersley affair. Anyone with a semblance of objectivity can see that Blunt answered all the questions thrown at him – he just didn’t answer the questions the way they wanted him too. He also clearly tells the reporters that he is on his way to another Veterans Day event. He could have not entertained any questions at all. It’s also obvious that an aggressive reporter was keeping the governor from closing his passenger door. Blunt’s security moved the reporter back from the door and then they were on their way. No harm no foul in our opinion.

By: Michael Patrick Carney
State Capital Bureau (April 18, 2000)

JEFFERSON CITY – There are always several versions of reality. But this time there’s a videotape.

A crew from KTVI-TV in St. Louis was shooting a story at about 3 p.m. Wednesday on the grounds of Jefferson City Memorial Airport when they saw Missouri Gov. Mel Carnahan headed for a waiting airplane.

“He just happened along,” said Elliott Davis, a reporter for the Fox-owned station.

The journalists approached.

Carnahan got out and was greeted by Davis, shaking his hand.

The two-term Democratic governor then extended his hand to Larry Washington, a KTVI photojournalist for about 30 years.

Carnahan asked the reporter what he wanted and put his hand over the camera lens.

“Governor, let me answer a question,” Davis replied. “Does the state have too many airplanes, governor?”

At virtually the same time, Sgt. Elbert Marshall, a 19-year veteran of the state Highway Patrol, moved in and began pushing Washington away from the governor.

“It was a pretty violent encounter,” said Davis, a 20 year veteran of St. Louis news. “It almost looked like a football move.”

Washington continued taping, as he shoved 20-30 feet back into a nearby hangar.

Meanwhile, Carnahan and a second unidentified bodyguard were trying to cover Davis’s microphone.

The tape ends with a wobbly shot of the hangar floor. Read more…


KY3 Political Notebook: “Newsrooms and politicos are debating a piece of video captured by the Kansas City Star yesterday, where reporters attempted to question Governor Matt Blunt about the Scott Eckersley saga.

Is it newsworthy? Is it “outrageous?” Is it neither?

Some news organizations are outraged, calling it a “shove.” But looking at the K.C. Star tape, there’s no real evidence of a “shove.” Maybe a push back. But noone was hurt, so c’mon.

While it may of been rude, this is part of the game — whether we reporters like it or not.

We in the media have every right to toss a camera in a politician’s face and ask him questions, but that politician has every right to shut a door in our face — and in some cases, we should expect it.” Read more…



Tags: Matt Blunt

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