By John Hacker
WASHINGTON, D.C. – While most federal lawmakers in the House of Representatives have smaller staffs than their Senate counterparts, Rep. Roy Blunt’s leadership position as House Minority Whip means he has two staffs, one for his Congressional office and one for the Whip’s office.
Blunt said about 15 people, half in Missouri and half in Washington, make up his Congressional staff, based in the Cannon House Office Building immediately to the southeast of the Capitol, while another 25 people fill his Whip staff, based in a bank of offices and a converted hallway in the Capitol just off the House Floor.
“Our whole staff of around 40 work pretty closely and are pretty well coordinated and that creates a big advantage, I believe, for our district,” Blunt said. “We have what I believe is the best policy team in our building, is my policy team. When ever you want to know how policy affects Southwest Missouri, we’ve got the resources to really find that out.”
Blunt said finding the right people for his staff is important, and one of the requirements for most of his staff is that they have some tie to Missouri.
“We really try hard, particularly with the Congressional district staff, to have as much of that staff from Missouri, or to have some strong Missouri tie, as possible,” Blunt said. “We want people who are from Missouri, or went to school in Missouri, we’re not always able to do that, but all things being equal, that’s a great advantage to have. Obviously our district staff is all from Missouri, so do half of the Congressional staff is from Missouri because they live in Missouri. Of the other half, I’d say more than half of them are from Missouri as well.” Read more…
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