"First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win." -- Mahatma Gandhi
Stephen “Inspector Clouseau” Bough Admits Mistake | Missouri Political News Service

Stephen “Inspector Clouseau” Bough Admits Mistake

October 19th, 2007 by mopns · No Comments

Hey Stephen, while you’re still in your admitting mistakes mood, how about admitting you made a complete fool of yourself this summer with your Missouri Political News Service/Texas Swift Boat conspiracy theories?  Don’t worry, we won’t hold our breaths. Just a note Stephen, we still haven’t received those checks yet from the Blunt campaign or wealthy Texan Bob Perry. Bough, you don’t have a clue!


MOPNS: K.C. Blue Blog=Clueless

The Source:

CCP blogger Stephen Bough posted today, eleven full days after the last post on the topic, and admitted he was wrong about his attack on State Rep. Jeff Grisamore. While we applaud Bough for his apology, we have to wonder if his timing, well after most people stopped reading the thread in question, was suspect. Read more…



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