From Discriminations Blog:
Reading this sadly predictable editorial in the Kansas City Star, I can’t help but wonder: is there some secret school (or maybe even re-education/indoctrination center) that editorial writers at liberal mainstream papers must attend in order to learn the doublespeak that pervades this trashing of the Missouri Civil Rights Initiative.
Consider, if you have a strong constitution, the following examples:
Supporters of the proposed amendment to the Missouri Constitution say it would simply ensure fairness. But it would torpedo state-supported affirmative action programs in hiring, contracting and education.
Have the editors considered that their “But” is not substantial enough to carry the weight assigned to it here? That is, the people proposing and supporting MoCRI believe that “state-supported affirmative programs” that involve preferential treatment based on race, ethnicity, or sex are themselves inherently unfair. Thus there is no contradiction between their principled argument and the MoCRI proposal. No “Buts” necessary. The editors, in short, should make an argument or butt out.
Another example: Read more
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