"First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win." -- Mahatma Gandhi
Do They Make It Up As They Go Along? | Missouri Political News Service

Do They Make It Up As They Go Along?

September 17th, 2007 by mopns · No Comments

FiredUp Missouri, trying to milk the very last drop out of the Nathan Cooper scandal and their manufactured license fee office “scandal,” has posted an implausible and ridiculous post reporting that Cooper’s younger brother is allegedly claiming that President Bush will pardon the disgraced former lawmaker at the end of his term. According to our state’s equivalent to the National Enquirer, Cooper’s pardon will be a reward for “not turning state’s evidence” against FiredUp’s favorite Republican punching bags.

First, Cooper doesn’t have nearly enough money or influence to even be on the President’s or his advisor’s radar screen for a pardon. And yes, whether there is a Republican or Democrat in the White House, it takes money and influence to receive a pardon. There are exceptions of course, but we all know this is usually the case. And second, with a president who’s legacy will be the Iraq war, the overall war on terror, and his successful defense of our country after the 911 attacks, why in the hell would President Bush pardon a guy who jeopardized our country’s national security with his crimes of pure greed? C’mon FiredUp, can’t you pump out better propaganda than this!



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