From The St. Charles Journal:
By Steve Pokin
If you win the upcoming election, would you quit and leave office should you receive a fantastic job offer?I think we need to start asking that question in St. Charles County. In two years we have seen three state lawmakers leave office early. Two were in their final term.
There have been early departures elsewhere in the state, but the exodus here has been noteworthy not just because we’ve lost three, but because of their influence, too.
In St. Charles County, the men who exited were Republicans, which is no surprise since the county has had an all-GOP contingent in recent years.
Carl Bearden, who resigned as a state representative in July, told me Friday I could have asked him my “Would you quit?” question, but his answer would have been that he intended to serve his full term.
In fact, Bearden said, he declined a job offer in 2005 because he was unwilling to leave office early. But two years later, he says, he was in his final term.
“I did not leave because my family was starving,” Bearden says. “But it was in the best interest of my family long-term.” Read more…
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