"First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win." -- Mahatma Gandhi
Ky3 Keeps Quiet Regarding Blunt Farm Tour, Trips Over Itself for McCaskill Visit | Missouri Political News Service

Ky3 Keeps Quiet Regarding Blunt Farm Tour, Trips Over Itself for McCaskill Visit

August 30th, 2007 by mopns · No Comments

Here are sound words of advice Mr. Catanese should heed from the September 10th issue of National Review Magazine:

“When word of Karl Rove’s resignation reached the Seattle Times during a daily news meeting, cheers erupted. Executive Editor David Boardman sent a pair of memos to his staff: “That sort of expression is simply not appropriate for a newsroom….As we head into a major political year, nows a good time to remember: Please keep your personal politics to yourself.”

Arena of Ideas:

In a continuing saga of KY3’s “political reporter” David Catanese playing up to Democrats while playing down, dumb or just plain keeping quiet we get to read all about Claire McCaskill’s “big farm tour.” You know, the same one which he called a photo op for Roy Blunt earlier this year.

Why does this matter? From my pespective it is very clear that Catanese is trying to sustain the image which Claire McCaskill’s campaign is trying to project to voters. At the very same time they take shot after shot at Congressman Blunt while withholding or playing dumb about information which might be deemed as positive by voters.

This farm tour is a prime example. Not only was Roy’s tour not covered by the blog, while McCaskill’s recieved top billing, but the only mention was a slap in the face reference. Never mind the fact that Congressman Blunt does the event on an annual basis. Oh yeah – he happens to still own a farm.

Other examples of noncoverage on Congressman Blunt include a recent speech to the Heratige Foundation and multiple pieces in national publications and blogs.

Instead Catanese decides to publish DCCC hit pieces in leu of what Congressman Blunt is actually doing and saying. Read more…



Tags: Media Bias · Rep. Roy Blunt · Senator McCaskill

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