"First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win." -- Mahatma Gandhi
MOGOP Takes The Gloves Off | Missouri Political News Service

MOGOP Takes The Gloves Off

August 8th, 2007 by mopns · No Comments

Damn! Where did I leave my integrity again?

As expected, Sen Judas’ defection is not sitting too well over at 204 East Dunklin Street. The MOGOP released two press releases today regarding the opportunistic Senator. The first release called for Koster to return campaign contributions to those who ask, and, to resign his senate seat and run as a Democrat.

Republicans who donated money to Chris Koster have the right to expect that their donations be immediately returned while the voters of the 31st Senatorial District have a right to expect him to resign his seat,” said Paul Sloca, communications director for the Missouri Republican Party.

Until today, the salvos being launched at Koster are what you’d expect from a jilted party and its activists; return the money, resign your seat. A second release titled – “Did Koster Know When to Fold ‘Em in Ongoing ‘Casinogate’ Scandal” – asks whether Koster was invited to the the now infamous casino “tour” with Senators Jeff Smith, Chuck Graham, and Representative Jeff Aull:

“Chris Koster has already proven that he lacks integrity so it’s fair for the public and the media to ask if he had been invited to attend the tawdry little gathering of Democrats at the casino and whether Koster knew Smith had been busted just hours before his official switch to the Democrat Party,” said Paul Sloca, communications director for the Missouri Republican Party. “If Koster has any integrity left at all, he will tell Missourians and the media the truth in light of the Gaming Commission’s ongoing investigation.”

The release also questions Koster’s judgement:

“…just hours after Smith was cited by Missouri Gaming officials for presenting false identification to gain access to a gambling boat during the lobbyist-backed junket, he was standing by Koster’s side as the former Republican announced his switch to the Democrat Party.”

Ahhh, this is why we love politics!



Tags: Decision '08

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