"First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win." -- Mahatma Gandhi
The Source: “Nixon Campaign Setting All the Wrong Benchmarks” | Missouri Political News Service

The Source: “Nixon Campaign Setting All the Wrong Benchmarks”

July 27th, 2007 by mopns · No Comments

At this point in the Gubernatorial Campaign, it seems absolutely absurd to have more than a handful of staffers, as their only substantive role would likely be the soliciting and collection of donor checks. In light of Jay Nixon’s meager fundraising numbers, it’s not likely that his staff was too busy in that capacity.

Despite this, Jay Nixon has already amassed a staff more fit for a nation-wide Presidential run than for a Missouri Gubernatorial race.

During the months of April, May and June, Nixon’s Campaign employed a massive labor force, carrying as many as 17 staffers on payroll, many of them full-time. These 17 staffers received just over $128,000 in compensation.

In comparison, Governor Blunt’s Campaign employed three staffers, paying out under $16,000 in salary.

If the gravity of those numbers hasn’t yet sunk in, consider this: Read more…



Tags: Decision '08 · Jay Nixon

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