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Evans Statement on Blunt Veto | Missouri Political News Service

Evans Statement on Blunt Veto

July 7th, 2007 by mopns · No Comments

Contact : press@mike4missouri.com or 1.314.601.3674

Mike Evans, Democrat for Lt. Governor, released the following statement on Governor Matt Blunt’s decision to veto HB # 327.

“Governor Matt Blunt stood with the people of the state. There was a message from the people of Missouri that HB # 327 is not going to fly. It is also clear that Lt. Governor Peter Kinder by his lobbying and State Representative Sam Page with his vote stood with the special interests and the lobbyists, not the people of Missouri. I now call on Governor Blunt to do the right thing and call the legislature back into session to give us an economic development bill that is fair and does not give lucrative tax cuts to wealthy campaign contributors. I also challenge the Governor to use the special session to find a way to restore health care to the 700,000 Missourians who lost it with the NO Health Net scheme, including 120,000+ Missouri children.”



Tags: Decision '08 · Matt Blunt

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