The liberal blogosphere cracks me up. Their absolute hatred for President Bush blinds them to their obvious duplicity- and for that matter stupidity. Anonymous blogger Corpus Juris weighs in on anonymous sources and former U.S. Attorney Brad Schlozman’s testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee yesterday.
From Watching Those We Choose:
I have been following the outstanding coverage of the US Attorney scandal provided by The Washington Post’s Dan Eggen since the beginning. I have never failed to learn something new reading his articles. Never, until today.
This morning Eggen filed a pretty routine story describing Bradley Schlozman’s testimony about the election fraud indictments he brought just prior to the 2006 election. Schlozman claimed, under oath, that he didn’t think the indictments against four former low level employees of the left leaning voter registration group ACORN would have any impact on the election. Eggen noted (as all of us who live in Missouri knew) that in the final four days of that election the GOP used the indictments in their campaign against Claire McCaskill. Read more…
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