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MOGOP: Barnes Backed Fuel Tax Increase in 2002 | Missouri Political News Service

MOGOP: Barnes Backed Fuel Tax Increase in 2002

May 31st, 2007 by mopns · No Comments

MOGOP press release:

JEFFERSON CITY – In a stunning example of hypocrisy, Kay Barnes today decried higher gas prices even though she backed a 4 percent tax increase on motor vehicle fuel in 2002.

Not surprisingly, voters overwhelmingly disagreed with Barnes’ position by rejecting Proposition B at the polls. But if Barnes had her way in 2002, Missourians would be paying even higher gas prices despite her disingenuous and politically-motivated concern that people pay too much money at the pump today.

“Kay Barnes is a hypocrite who supported higher gas prices before she was against them,” said Paul Sloca, communications director for the Missouri Republican Party. “Kay Barnes is forgetting that Missourians want common sense solutions to higher gas prices rather than political rhetoric from someone who supported higher fuel prices just a few short years ago.”



Tags: Decision '08 · Kay Barnes

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