"First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win." -- Mahatma Gandhi
Bearden Kissing Up Already | Missouri Political News Service

Bearden Kissing Up Already

May 24th, 2007 by mopns · No Comments


Mr. Speaker Pro Tem, have some pride man! Here’s a word of advice to you. Before you start kissing Tony Messenger’s behind – like a certain St. Louis cut and paste, megalomaniacal sycophant who “blogs” but doesn’t accept comments – blog for at least a week will ya?

From Fred Thompson – N- MO:

“There’s been a bit of controversy in the Missouri blogosphere this week on author anonymity. FiredUp, in particular, seems to be against transparency in their blogging and complained that the staff at Missouri Pulse and ShowMe Daily have no fear of transparency because they are employed by their blogging sites. Somehow, I think the writers at ShowMe Daily and Missouri Pulse wouldn’t be too afraid to show themselves regardless of employment. Now, I don’t agree with Tony Messenger everyday, but on blog anonymity, he’s right.”



Tags: Carl Bearden · Decision '08

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