What’s up with the Democrats and their extravagant inaugurations? From Wikipedia:
Bob Holden’s inauguration was the most elaborate and expensive in state history. The inauguration ceremony was a decidedly family-friendly event, as opposed to the general debauchery that had been commonplace at past inaugurations. The inauguration ceremony cost $1 million, of which $125,000 was paid from state government funds.
It seems Count Funkhouser’s ridiculous inauguration is following in that same tradition. It is also causing quite a stir in the City of Fountains. Unlike his predecessors, Funkhouser’s tab wasn’t picked up with tax dollars. Shouldn’t be much of a problem, it’s those organization’s cash to waste; however, for such a self procclaimed reformer Count Funkhouser is already playing by the same ol’ rules:
The gala was paid for out of $152,500 in donations that were raised from Kansas City’s largest corporations, two local casinos, law firms, trade groups and others who do business with City Hall. (The amount not spent on the inaugural will go into a civic fund that mayors have used when they do not want to use tax dollars.)
Is that what he meant by standing up to special interest?
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