"First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win." -- Mahatma Gandhi
24th State: “Some Bloggers Lack Class” | Missouri Political News Service

24th State: “Some Bloggers Lack Class”

October 1st, 2007 by mopns · No Comments

We too received the same email over the weekend from the anonymous “Missouri Politics” blogger which purportedly shows political consultant Jeff Roe on his honeymoon. Although our respective political philosphies are polar opposites, we have had civil email discussions with her over issues. We are quite surprised frankly that she would sink to this level of trash journalism to increase her readership. 

We wholeheartedly agree with Jim Durbin at 24th State that personal attacks -which have nothing to do with the issues – crosses the line. If you want to attack someone, stick to the issues, and if possible use their own words – that is where you’ll be most effective. They cannot legitimately complain, especially when you use their own words to bury them. If you want your blog and website to be respected by decision makers and politicos, and not sink to obscurity like certain cut and paste “bloggers” who resort to the same tactics and whine because no one listens to them, keep doing what you’re doing.

I got an e-mail from Missouri Politics. They were begging for traffic for their silly little photos of Jeff Roe’s honeymoon.  I thought it was pointless, and tasteless to personally attack the guy, especially as MOPO (as he or she terms themself) is anonymous.  Now there’s nothing wrong with being anonymous, but you should really avoid comments about the personal lives of other people if you’re going to protect your own. Read more…



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