"First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win." -- Mahatma Gandhi
Video: Crossroads GPS: "Watch" Missouri | Missouri Political News Service

Video: Crossroads GPS: “Watch” Missouri

July 8th, 2011 by MarkTwain · No Comments

Hat tip:

[kml_flashembed movie="http://www.youtube.com/v/_WdL6IRdV6M" width="425" height="350" wmode="transparent" /]

Crossroads Grassroots Policy Strategies (Crossroads GPS) launched today a new issue advocacy TV spot in Missouri focusing on Sen. Claire McCaskill’s record of voting for increased spending, debt and taxes. The effort is part of a nationwide effort begun two weeks ago by Crossroads GPS to frame the national debate on jobs, the economy and debt.The ad, entitled “Watch,” will run on broadcast TV stations throughout Missouri for two weeks, and includes targeted local advertising on the Internet. Total spending on the Missouri effort is more than $219,230.

“With budget negotiations heating up, it is crucial for Missourians to know the truth about Claire McCaskill’s record of voting for trillions of new government spending programs, paid for by higher taxes and new debt,” said Crossroads GPS communications director Jonathan Collegio. “Missourians need to tell Senator McCaskill that writing a blank check to fix the budget is not acceptable.”

In June, DNC Chairman Debbie Wasserman Schultz announced that Democrats “own the economy” and claimed that Barack Obama was able to “turn this economy around.” But this morning, the Labor Department released a dismal jobs report, showing the national unemployment rate jumping to 9.2% and only 18,000 jobs added in June.

Claire McCaskill has yet to comment on the report. Perhaps she is finally beginning to realize that the only thing her big-spending votes have accomplished is passing an extraordinary amount of debt to our children and grandchildren. Or maybe she’s just trying figure out a way to spin the numbers like she did back in May, when she called a report showing the unemployment rate jumping from 8.8% to 9% “another strong jobs report.”

Not only have Barack Obama and Claire McCaskill failed to put Missourians back to work now things are getting worse, said Lloyd Smith, Executive Director of the Missouri Republican Party. “With too much spending, too much debt, and not enough jobs, our nation is heading in the wrong direction. Even the leader of the Democrat Party admits that they own the economy, so it is time for Claire McCaskill to begin taking responsibility for her record of voting lockstep with Barack Obama’s failed liberal policies.”



Tags: Senator McCaskill · Videos

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