"First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win." -- Mahatma Gandhi
Post Columnist Bill McClellan Nibbles at Democrat Blogger’s Bait | Missouri Political News Service

Post Columnist Bill McClellan Nibbles at Democrat Blogger’s Bait

May 13th, 2008 by mopns · No Comments

We told you last week about an email we received from a Democrat fringe blogger that made some pretty serious allegations against a prominent Republican public official. We’re sure that the same email we received, made its way to a lot of other journalists inboxes too, including Mr. McClellan’s. To their credit, the mainstream media and bloggers didn’t touch the story with a ten foot pole – until yesterday.

In a column titled “What made Gov. Blunt drop out? Stay tuned …,” St. Louis Post Dispatch columnist Bill McClellan touched upon the rumor with a 9 1/2 foot pole. Read below how McClellan teases his readers with the unfounded rumor he is probably aware of:

“Whatever the real reasons were, they were not the ones the governor had stated.”

“In fact, if you had keen senses, you could hear the hounds baying in the background as the governor made his announcement. Somebody was after him. But about what?”

“Suppose the governor has backup tapes for the deleted e-mails. What would they show?”

“But suppose it isn’t about the e-mails. After all, as we look at the chronology again, the meeting at Big Cedar Lodge was held after Eckersley filed his lawsuit. More to the point, the governor and his people had to have known the suit was coming. They still thought they could win. Something changed the governor’s mind.”

Can you imagine if a blogger had written this?



Tags: Matt Blunt · Scott Eckersley

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